Dear Parents/Carers,
At the end of Module 4, the Academy will take part in the second of three Cultural Capital events. Our Cultural Capital days and week (at the end of the academic year), are a true highlight of our academy calendar.
The next Cultural Capital Day of this academic year will be held on Wednesday 27th March. Students in Year 10 will have their annual Growing Against Violence workshops.
Growing Against Violence (GAV) is a charity that aims to protect young people against peer-to-peer violence and exploitation both on the streets and online. The charitable organisation provides evidence-based workshops focused on developing young people’s life skills enabling them to be safe in all environments.
GAV aims to prevent youth violence and protect young people against exploitation by gangs and grooming both online and face-to-face. The workshops are targeted at students up to 15 years old and are delivered to students in a single-year group, thereby helping to develop a ‘herd’ resistance and the positive peer pressure needed to reject violence and the negative norms and values associated with it.
The Year 10 GAV workshops are titled Attitude Adjustments and the content supports the Violence Against Women and Girls strategy (VAWG). The separate workshops for boys and girls explore sensitive and emotive issues regarding sexual violence and child exploitation.
Attendance to the Academy on this day is compulsory. Students are to arrive at the usual time of 8.25am, in full Academy uniform. In a change from the usual times of the day, Year 10 students will have break between 10.15am and 10.35am and lunchtime from 12.45pm to 1.15pm. Those in receipt of a free school meal will have this provided as usual. This day will end at the usual school time of 2.20pm.
If you have any questions about our Cultural Capital Days, please get in touch with a member of your child’s Small School team.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs H. Panton
Deputy Head of Turing School