Start of Module 2 Arrangements

Three students can be seen sitting in an outdoor area of the academy, laughing and socialising together.

Dear Parents/Carers,

I am writing to inform you that the start of Module 2 will be Monday 6th November 2023 with a normal start time of 8:25am.

As we look towards the start of the next module of learning for students, I would like to remind you that all students should attend the Academy each day in full Academy uniform and bring with them a pen, a pencil, a rubber and a ruler to support them with the recording of their learning. We would advise that students also bring a spare pen. In addition to this equipment, students are expected to bring their Chromebook each day fully charged and a refillable water bottle made of either plastic or metal. We know that being fully equipped allows students to settle better into their learning and focus on the content delivered in the classroom. Please support your child with this, ensuring that they have all that they need.

Students have also been set homework to complete for their subjects over the two-week break. It is vitally important that this work is completed so that students are able to quickly engage with the curriculum content upon their return. All homework is set via Google Classroom with instructions for its completion.

With the change in weather, we advise that students wear a coat whilst they are travelling to and from the Academy and if they choose to be outside at break and lunchtime. Coats should be plain black. Furthermore, students are not allowed to bring hoodies to the Academy nor wear leg warmers or socks over tights or wear trousers or shorts underneath their Academy uniform trousers. Trousers should be secured at the waist and students should wear a belt to do this if required. We are committed to having high expectations of our students so that all are able to operate in a professional environment.

A reminder students are able to purchase breakfast from 8am in our Restaurant and that porridge is on offer daily free of charge to all students. From the start of Module 2 Cucina, our catering partners will not accept cash payments, and therefore please ensure that there are sufficient funds available on your child’s ParentPay account.

To parents of students in Year 7: Year 7 students will continue to be dismissed at 3pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and also at 2.10pm each Wednesday for Module 2.

On behalf of all the staff, I would like to thank you for your continued support and hope you and your families are having a very happy and restful two-week Autumn break.

Yours faithfully,

Ben Russell