Year 6 Transition

The transition from primary to secondary school is an important milestone in the lives of children and their families.  At Leigh Academy Halley we pride ourselves on providing our new students, parents and carers with a smooth and comprehensive transition programme so that students arrive on their first day in September excited about the next chapter of their education, rather than feeling apprehensive.

We posted and emailed a Year 7 Welcome letter on Monday 1st March, welcoming parents, carers, and students to Leigh Academy Halley; please look out for it.   

Our transition website contains a wealth of information about Leigh Academy Halley and explains the key features of our teaching and learning philosophy, small school pastoral system, our SEND and EAL provision.

Leigh Academy Halley Year 6 Transition website

In the meantime, if you do have any further questions please contact us using the email address and our dedicated transition team will be in touch.