Uniform and Expectations

Leigh Academy Halley Letter Image

Dear Parent/Carer

Return to The Academy – Uniform and Expectations

We look forward to welcoming your child back to the Academy in module 3. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the standards and expectations on return to the Academy. 


Students must arrive at the Academy entrance no later than 8:25am and be in full Academy uniform. Any student late to the Academy, with no good reason, will receive a loss of personal time as outlined below:

  • Late arrival from 8:26am – 8:40am: student will attend a 30-minute loss of personal time (LOPT).  Parents will receive a text message regarding lateness. 
  • Late arrival from 8:41am – 9:15am: student will attend a 60-minute LOPT. Parents will receive a text message regarding lateness.
  • Late arrival beyond 9:16am: student will attend a 90-minute LOPT. Parents will be contacted. All LOPTs will be completed on the same day as the lateness to the Academy. 

Where a student has 3 or more lates in a week they will be issued with a Friday afternoon 2-hour LOPT.

Poor punctuality can lead to a referral to the Attendance Advisory Officer and the issuing of a fixed penalty notice. Please take this opportunity to review morning routines and the journey to the Academy with your child. 


Students must arrive at the Academy in full uniform and we expect our students to wear their uniform with pride. The Leigh Academy Halley tie must be worn to an appropriate length and blazers must be worn at all times; this includes when travelling to and from the Academy and during break times, lunchtimes, and lesson changeovers.  

No jeans or jersey-style trousers, leggings, stretchy, ribbed, flared, or tight-fitting trousers are allowed to be worn in the Academy. Trousers must be tailored Academy trousers. Skirts should be no shorter than knee length or below and must be either pleated or a tailored pencil skirt, not jersey/stretchy/tube skirts.  Students must be wearing plain black school shoes. In cold weather, students must wear a plain black coat to the Academy. Hoodies, tracksuit tops, denim jackets, or hats (apart from a woollen style hat in cold weather) are not allowed in the Academy. Items that do not meet our uniform code will be confiscated from students.  High expectations for uniform are also expected from students on the way to and on the way home from the Academy.  If students fail to adhere to these standards of uniform they will not be in mainstream lessons and you will be contacted by your child’s small school.  If there are issues with your child meeting these standards, then please contact your child’s small school immediately, as the Academy can support families in cases of hardship. 

Jewellery and Appearance 

Students are only allowed to wear a maximum of one small stud in each ear, worn in the lower lobe, and a wristwatch.  Rings, bracelets (except medical bracelets), and piercings additional to one in the lower ear lobe are not permitted. All piercings must be removed to participate in Physical Education lessons. Apple or other smartwatches are also not permitted; this is in line with our policy on mobile phones. We ask for your assistance in making sure that your child does not leave the house in the morning wearing any fake tan, nail polish, acrylic false nails, or false eyelashes as these are not allowed at the Academy.  No metal-toothed Afro combs are permitted on the Academy site. 

Chewing Gum 

Chewing gum is not allowed on the Academy site. 

Mobile Phones/Headphones/Electronic Devices

When students arrive at the start of the Academy day, mobile phones, ear/headphones, and other electronic devices must be switched off and put away. They should remain out of sight during the day both in lessons and during break and lunchtime.  If a student has their mobile phone, headphones, or electronic devices out of their blazer pocket or bag it will be confiscated by the member of staff.  It will then be collected from the student’s small school. The Academy has a legal right to confiscate items such as jewellery, mobile phones, or any other item contravening Academy policies. (We may also confiscate items outside the policy if they cause health and safety concerns or disrupt the smooth running of the Academy). The Academy does not take responsibility for loss or damage to any electronic devices brought into the Academy. 


In order to be ready for learning, all students must bring to the Academy a suitable school bag large enough for an A4 folder and their Leigh Academy Halley PE kit. 

Students must have a pencil case containing pens, pencils, a ruler and a rubber.  Please ensure that your child is well-equipped for learning every day. 

All students are issued with a Chromebook. These are a compulsory part of daily equipment and must be brought to the Academy every day, fully charged.  The use of Chromebooks is integrated into daily learning at the Academy.  Students who fail to bring their charged Chromebook to the Academy will be issued with a loss of personal time.  If there are any issues with the Chromebook then please contact your child’s small school.

Energy and fizzy drinks

Caffeinated energy drinks or fizzy drinks are not permitted in the Academy.  This is reflected in the Academy behaviour management policy, in line with the national food standards for schools and academies. Consumption of these drinks can lead to poor concentration, lack of energy (when the inevitable ‘crash’ occurs), poor behaviour, insomnia, increased anxiety, nausea, headaches and other health risks. Any student found with these drinks will have them confiscated.  When in lessons, students are allowed to drink still water.

In order to further support a healthy diet, students should not bring into the Academy multipacks or family sized packs of crisps, biscuits or confectionery. 

Community Conduct

The high expectations of our students extend to the community. We expect Leigh Academy Halley students to represent the Academy well. When travelling to and from the Academy, students should always be respectful of each other and other members of the community, thinking about the language they use with each other as well as not making excessive noise or behaving in an antisocial manner.  It is important that students use appointed road crossings and follow road safety rules.  Please reiterate this at home with your child and ensure you know the journey they take to and from the Academy. 

Thank you for your continued support and I wish you all the very best for 2025. 

Yours faithfully

Ben Russell